Sixth Amendment




This Sixth Amendment to Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Sendero Springs, is made to be effective or: the date hereinafter set forth by HY-LAND NORTH JOINT VENTURE, a Texas joint venture ("Dectarant").


A. By Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Sendero Springs, Section One (the “Declaration") recorded as Document No. 2002001226 in the Official Public Records of Williamson County, Texas, Deciarant imposed certain covenants, restrictions, charges and liens upon certain real property located in Williamson County, Texas as therein described.

B. By First Amendment to Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Sendero Springs, Section Two (the “First Amendment") recorded as Document No. 2002053365 in the Official Public Records of Williamson County, Texas, Deciarant brought Sendero Springs, Section Two within the scheme of the Declaration and modified the Declaration as to Section Two.

C. By Second Amendment to Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Sendero Springs, Section Three (the ”Second Amendment") recorded as Document No. 2004086294 in the Official Pubtic Records of Williamson County, Texas, Declarant brought Sendero Springs, Section Three within the scheme of the Declaration and modified the Declaration as to Section Three.

D. By Third Amendment to Declaration of Covenants Conditions and Restrictions for Sendero Springs, Section Four (the "Third Amendment") recorded as Document No. 2004094487 in the Official Public Records of Williamson County, Texas Deciarant brought Sendero Springs, Section Four within the scheme of the Declaration and modified the Decfaration as to Section Four.

E. By Fourth Amendment to Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Sendero Springs, Section Five (the “Fourth Amendment") recorded as Document No 2007054707 in the Official Public Records of Williamson County, Texas, Declarant brought Sendero Springs, Section Five within the scheme of the Declaration and modified the Declaration as to Section Five.

F. By Fifth Amendment to Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Sendero Springs, Section Six (the “Fifth Amendment”) recorded as Document No. 2011031960 in the Officiai Public Records of Williamson County, Texas, Dectarant brought Sendero Springs, Section Six within the scheme of the Declaration and modified the Declaration as to Section Six.

G. Declarant is the owner of that certain reai property known as Sendero Springs, Section Seven, a subdivision in Williamson County, Texas, according to the map or ptat thereof recorded as Document No. 6&0]: 00 fl 324 of the Plat Records of Williamson County, Texas ("Sendero Springs, Section Seven”).

H. Section 3.2 of the Declaration provides that Declarant shatl have the right at any time and from time to time to bring within the scheme of the Dectaration additional properties in future stages of the development of the Sendero Springs subdivisien and make such modifications of the Declaration as may be determined by Dsclarant to be appropriate for such additional propezty.

i. It is deemed to be in the best interests of Declarant and any other persons who - may purchase tots out of Sendero Springs, Section Seven that there be established and maintained a uniform plan for the improvement and development of said lots and said subdivision for the purpose of enhancing and protecting the vatue, desirability and attractiveness of said reat property.

J. Declarant desires to bring Sendero Springs, Section Seven within the scheme of the Declaration and to modify the Declaration as to Sendero Springs, Section Seven as hereinafter set forth.

NOW, THEREFORE, Dectarant hereby declares as toltows:

1. Addition to Property Subiect to Deciarationi The following real property (coilectiVely, the “Additional Land”) is hereby added to the Properties subject to and covered by the Declaration:

All of the Lots (excepting Lots 14 and 17 0f BLK R, and excepting Lots 1, 2, 22 and 46 of BLK 8), within SENDERO SPRINGS, SECTION SEVEN, a subdivision in Williamson County, Texas, accordin to the map or plat thereof recorded as Document No. 80 [ fiog 3 2-4 of the Plat
Records of Williamson County, Texas.

2 Modification of the Declaration as to the Additionat Land The Additional Land 1 shall be hetd, transferred sold, conveyed, occupied and used subject to the covenants, restrictions, charges and liens as set forth In the Declaration, provided that as the same relate to the Additional Land only, the terms and provisions of the Declaration are modified as follows:

(a) Section 5.5 of the Declaration is hereby amended to add the sentence below:

The total living area of each principal residence erected on any Lot having approximately fifty (50) feet of frontage on the adjacent street shalt have a floor area of not less than one thousand six hundred (1,600) square feet nor more than three thousand five hundred (3,500) square feet.

(b) Section 5.8 of the Declaration is hereby amended by retaining the language of Article 5.8 in its entirety with the exception that the language below is deleted from Article 5.8 Fences as to Section Seven:

The Lots are, but not limited to, Block Kl100 (partial), W101, 162, 106, 107, 108, 113, 114 (partial), L113 (partiai), Ll14, Ml1, M/5-12, M/26-29.

The following ianguage is added to Article 5.8 Fences as to Section Seven:

The Lots are, but not limited to, Lots 1-13, 15, 16, 18 — 27, 28 (partial), 31 — 35, 38 (partiai), 39, 40, 43 - 50 of Stock R, and Lots 3 — 15, 19 (partial), 20, 21, 23 — 42, 45 (side) 47, 48 (partial) of Biock S.

(0) Section 5.14 of the Deciaration is hereby amended by retaining the language of Artiste 5.14 in its entirety with the exception that the tanguage below is deleted from Article 5.14 as to Section Seven.

5.14 Masonm ...Additionalty, Lots 19 through 25 and Lot 30, Block B; Lot 8, Block D, Lots 108, Lots 113 through 116, and Lots 120 through 135, Block K; and Lots 1 through 12 and Lots 15 through 20, Block M, of the Subdivision at least 60% of the surface area of the second story of the side elevations, and at least sixty percent (60%) of the entire surface area of the rear elevations (ground floor and the second floor), shalt be constructed of masonry materials.

The following language is added to Article 5.14 Masonry as to Section Seven.

5.14 Masonry ...Additionaily, Lots 49 and 50 of Block R, and Lots 54 and 55 of Block S of the Subdivision at least seventy—five percent (75%) of the entire surface area of the side and rear eievattons (ground floor and the second floor), shalt be constructed of masonry materiats.